
Showing posts from September, 2022

IKEA's #StayHome Campaign

  Background/Introduction:     In 2020, IKEA, the world's largest furniture store, came up with a genius marketing technique for the times of COVID-19 called the #StayHome campaign. The public relations stunt was started in Spain, and carried out in March of 2020, just less than three months from when the coronavirus started to really spread. The campaign focuses on selling the comfort of the home, togetherness with loved ones, and the nostalgia that the home can offer. IKEA's campaign does not come forward and advertise their furniture or goods for the home. The message is implied to buy their products, they do not have to explain what they are selling. IKEA's is trying to get customers to associate their brand and products with the focus of their campaign, comfort and togetherness. They want people to think about the comfort that IKEA products can bring to their home. This is also a perfect message in the more tough times of COVID when people were told to try and stay ho